Ghost Orchid with Bud
Ghost Orchid with Bud
Ghost orchid bud I was monitoring over the space of a couple of weeks deep in the Fakahatcheee Strand. Luckily they are hard to find and grow in often difficult-to-access areas. Out of the 88+ individuals I've found over the years, many of them have been stolen by orchid poachers.
- Copyright
- 2007
- Image Size
- 3008x2000 / 4.3MB
- Keywords
Aeranthes lindenii, America, Angraecum lindenii, Asparagales, D. lindenii, Dendrophylax, Monocot, Monocots, Orchidaceae, Plantae, Polyradicion lindenii, Polyrrhiza lindenii, USA, United States, beautiful, beauty, beauty beautiful, botany, endangered, epiphyte, epiphytic, flower, leafless, native, natural, nature, palm polly, plant, rare, threatened, uncultivated, vandeae, white frog orchid, wild, bud, flower bud, Dendrophylax lindenii